jOCDS - Command Line Interface (CLI)

Prerequisites & Installation

The only pre-requisite is Java8.

We continously publish versions of jOCDS on Bintray. You can download the latest version of jocds-cli from the bottom of the page, in the “Downloads” section.

After downloading the jar file, you should be able to start it by double clicking on it, or from the command line using

java -jar jocds-cli-[version].jar

for example if you have downloaded jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar you should be able to start it using

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar

Without any parameters, the tool will just print the usage info

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar

jocds : The Java Open Contracting Data Standard Validator 0.4.0 : Copyright (c) 2017 Development Gateway, Inc

$ jocds-cli [-operation=] -schema-type= [-version=] [-url=] [-file=]

-operation (optional) - the operation to perform. The default is validate. Accepted values: validate, show-supported-ocds, show-builtin-extensions
-schema-type - the input schema type. Accepted values: release, release-package
-version (optional) - the OCDS version to validate against. Can be autodetected for release-package schema-type.
-url (optional) - validate OCDS json from the given URL
-file (optional) - validate OCDS json from the given file on the file system

Using the CLI

Validating a local JSON file

To validate a json file saved locally you can use a command like the one below. We introduced an error in the original JSON taken from the OCDS github page, more exactly used a string instead of a number in the tender.minValue field, resulting in an error:

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar -operation=validate -schema-type=release-package -file=ocds-213czf-000-00001-02-tender.json
jocds : The Java Open Contracting Data Standard Validator 0.4.0 : Copyright (c) 2017 Development Gateway, Inc
jocds invoked with parameters: {-schema-type=release-package, -operation=validate, -file=/home/mihai/ocds-213czf-000-00001-02-tender.json}

[{"level":"error","schema":{"loadingURI":"","pointer":"/definitions/Value/properties/amount"},"instance":{"pointer":"/releases/0/tender/minValue/amount"},"domain":"validation","keyword":"type","message":"instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"integer\",\"null\",\"number\"])","found":"string","expected":["integer","null","number"]}]

Enforinng schema version

Just like with the REST API , we can enforce schema version when doing the check by using the -version parameter. This works for schema types release-package and release. Example

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar -operation=validate -version=1.0.2 -schema-type=release-package -file=ocds-213czf-000-00001-02-tender.json

Querying the list of supported OCDS versions

We strive to keep jOCDS up to date and to support in offline mode the latest schemas released by the Open Contracting team. To see the OCDS versions supported by a particular jOCDS release, use:

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar -operation=show-supported-ocds -schema-type=release-package
jocds : The Java Open Contracting Data Standard Validator 0.4.0 : Copyright (c) 2017 Development Gateway, Inc
jocds invoked with parameters: {-schema-type=release-package, -operation=show-supported-ocds}


Notice jocds-cli-0.4.0 supports all OCDS versions released up to 1.1.3.

Querying the list of supported offline core extensions

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar -operation=show-builtin-extensions -schema-type=release-package
jocds : The Java Open Contracting Data Standard Validator 0.4.0 : Copyright (c) 2017 Development Gateway, Inc
jocds invoked with parameters: {-schema-type=release-package, -operation=show-builtin-extensions}


Validating with extensions

Specifying extensions will enable validation of OCDS data plus extension data, based on the extension schema. The following command will validate a local json file against two extensions: one that is builtin/offline, part of the OCDS core (ocds_lots_extension/v1.1)

java -jar jocds-cli-0.4.0.jar -operation=validate -schema-type=release-package -extensions=,ocds_lots_extension/v1.1

jocds : The Java Open Contracting Data Standard Validator 0.4.0 : Copyright (c) 2017 Development Gateway, Inc
jocds invoked with parameters: {-file=ocds-213czf-000-00001-02-tender.json, -extensions=,ocds_lots_extension/v1.1, -schema-type=release-package, -operation=validate}
